I can start with temazepam and end with a map of the world
the route is never direct
It looks for a journey that resembles a keyboard. Stuck. Watching purposely for multiple strokes before
it finds
its feet ensconced in ablanketofsand
turkish towels pattern the night sky
reminding us all of local doctors
the kind that are too perfect to fabricate
My mind quickly skips to a soft patch. uneven. syrupy.
The afternoon light has angled its way to another tattered haired girl that speaks less. An irregularity of green stones remind me of wavy hips and olive lips
The strange rhythm of finikas have a noticeable replication in couples that have decided they no longer want each other
I have an idea extremes always end in beauty
stretched and folded into an incongruent geometry
professing brutality
congealed it returns as the edge of stairs and the simple architecture of your form washed by a dirty yellow cloth
and in my hand which is saturated by lime I rewash my words
The sound of diesel bleeds its beauty into the pores of night. It is a concrete wash of glaucous-blue that I have loved forever
extending from the tip of my fingers to the extremities of life
I would like to keep talking in silence until the last flower has hatched its spores into the earth below